+ COVID-19 Office Update-CLICK HERE

We hope you and your family are safe and healthy during these challenging times. As a small local business, we are extra thankful that we are still open and have survived near closure. This experience has made us sincerely appreciative of your business—we are blessed!!

As everyone is witnessing, all businesses are adjusting to a new and continually evolving “normal”. For your safety and the safety of our staff, we would like to remind everyone of our COVID-19 preventative measures in our office.

  • All patients and staff are required to wear face masks at all times. Cloth/home-made masks are acceptable. We have a very limited supply and cannot provide masks. Any patient arriving without a mask will be asked to reschedule to a later appointment.
  • All patients will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and a non-contact temperature will be taken
  • We continue to perform diligent sanitizing procedures throughout the office multiple times per day especially over high traffic areas.
  • Upon arrival, we will give the patient the option of waiting outside or in your car upon check-in. We would just need a cell phone number. Normally, patients will wait no more than a few minutes.
  • Patient paperwork should be completed prior to arrival whenever possible. Most forms are available on our website.
  • Only the patient is allowed in the office.
  • Please respect 6 foot physical distancing whenever possible.

There is no way to 100% guarantee a zero rate of transmission of COVID-19 but we can minimize its effect on our lives. Please contact us if you have any questions.

We cannot wait to see everyone back in the office… just not at the same time!!

Our Services

Primary Care


Wellness and Disease
Reversal Programs


Concierge Clinical




On-Site Diagnostic


Medical Weight Loss


Lab Services and
COVID-19 Testing


Galleri Test Early Cancer Screening

Special Health and Wellness Products

  1. Order products online

  2. Chose to deliver to your home or
    pick up at the TruCare Health Clinic

Featured Items


“We look forward to serving your health and wellness needs!!”